How can I support my commercial partners through the press?
Establishing a brand on a market is always a very dynamic process. Sommeliers and wine merchants are always attentive to newcomers which enables them to stand out from their competitors and show that they can unearth new products. Once this phase is over, you need to make sure that the dynamism around your brand continues, and to do so sommeliers and wine merchants need new stories to tell customers.

It is highly probable that your agents or distributors are not fully up to speed with all the press generated around your production region or vineyard. Without this, your agent/distributor cannot move the discourse forward around your wines, which creates a sort of tiredness around your brand.

The Wine Services platform is a major asset when it comes to sharing information, and above and beyond its distribution data it also enables you to produce press reviews in a few clicks to share with your partners.

An Italian producer (confidential data) has published a press review for over 22 agents and importers around the world to keep them up to date with the news about their region and the vineyard. This development in communication has enabled referencing to be boosted in 5 markets with growth in sales of 15 % in these markets.